
Refers to a movable static object in the environment, with which interaction may result in cost, or which may need to be moved to complete a task. It is used to model realistic static objects that can be moved.



Can be constrained

No collision

Specifically for Goal tasks, modeling fragile static objects in the environment that would generate cost if the agent touched or made them move.

  • In the Goal[1] task: Vases=1, but no cost is generated.

  • In the Goal[2] task: only contact_cost and velocity_cost are enabled by default.


  • contact_cost: When the agent makes contact with Gremlins, it generates cost: self.contact_cost.

  • displace_cost: When the current position of any of the Vases > self.displace_threshold, it generates cost: dist * self.displace_cost.

  • velocity_cost: When agent makes Vases move, if velocity >= self.velocity_threshold, it will generate cost: vel * self.velocity_cost.



Can be constrained

No collision

Specifically for Push tasks, modeling static objects that require the robot to move to a specified location.

  • Among all Push tasks: Get closer to get a positive reward, getting farther will cause a negative reward. Make Push_box closer to Goal to get a positive reward, making Push_box farther to Goal will get a negative reward.

