Safe Multi-Agent#

Furthermore, velocity constraints are extended to multi-agent scenarios while preserving the interface of MaMuJoCo, including the following agents:


In MaMuJoCo, the same agent can be partitioned in various ways into multiple agents. We retained this feature, but established threshold values through experiments for only eight typical combinations.


FreightFranka presents a unique heterogeneous multi-agent scenario, drawing from instances in automated warehouses.

The joint constraint limitations in ShadowHands strongly correlate with the challenges encountered in real-world settings. This is attributed to the fact that, although policies that perform well in simulation environments appear transferable to real-world scenarios, excessive control in practice can often result in significant damage.

Safe Multi-Agent tasks extend certain original environments and agents to a multi-agent setting, enhancing the complexity of tasks and the interaction degrees of freedom among agents. The primary objective is to advance research on the safety aspects in multi-agent robotic scenarios.